Mrs. GREEN APPLE talk about their thoughts and feelings toward livlies!

For the collaboration with “Livly Island” , in addition to recording commentary videos, the researchers ( “Livly Island” staff) conducted an interview with the Mrs. GREEN APPLE members Motoki Ohmori (Vo. Gt.) (hereinafter “Ohmori” ), Hiloto Wakai (Gt.) (hereinafter “Wakai” ), and Ryoka Fujisawa (Kb.) (hereinafter “Fujisawa” ).

Enjoy a peek into the thoughts of the members, who have long been livly owners. Find out which livlies they own, their impressions of “Livly Island”, what they usually value in collaborations, and more.

Impressions of Livly Island: Livlies They Own

Ohmori I started because... I mean, it's been a long time... Around when was it again? (asking Wakai)

Wakai Elementary school...

Ohmori Yeah. That’s right!

Wakai For me, my big brother was into it. I saw him playing and was like, “Oh wow, that’s really cute!” I thought, “I want to own a livly too,” and that's what prompted me to start.

Ohmori And then among the MGA members, I think it was... How long ago? Five years or so? Or four?

Fujisawa Ah, I think it was around three years ago.

Ohmori Three years ago! Around then, we were randomly like, “Let’s play Livly Island!” and that’s how the conversation started. We looked into it more and were reminded of just how cute it is. So yeah. I guess we were looking for something with a soothing vibe.

Wakai / Fujisawa (laughter)

Everyone (laughter)

Ohmori Yeah, so we all did it together!

Wakai Yup, that's right.

Ohmori We became friends in the app, and it started from there. [Livly Island] truly is “healing”. It's a “place of relaxation”!

Fujisawa For me, I was recommended it by Ohmori and Wakai. They were like, “Ryo, you’d love Livly!” And then, once I started, I just couldn’t stop. I think I love it more every day.

Ohmori I like that...that one with the bunny ears... Oh! Cornu Lepus! I’ve always loved that one. The one I have right now is white.

Fujisawa Ooh! That’s a good one!

Ohmori I really love it. It's always been my number one.

Fujisawa Yeah, you gotta feed it lots of Imomushi [to turn it white]. (laughter)

Ohmori Yeah, that's right.

Wakai I owned an Ogre all through elementary school.

Ohmori / Fujisawa (laughter)

Ohmori That ginormous Ogre!

Wakai Yup! Haha, I made my ginormous Ogre blue! But now I've got a Momoth. So I guess I’ve got a thing for chunky livlies...

Ohmori They do have a certain charm, though.

Wakai Yeah, exactly.

Fujisawa I guess boys tend to be drawn to big creatures.

Wakai Yup.

Wakai Yeah, I am! I mean, blue is my signature color. Maybe I really like blue. (laughter)

Fujisawa I absolutely love Sonimoguri~

Wakai Ah, you've always said that.

Fujisawa Like, every little thing it does, every little movement it makes to try and burrow into the ground is adorable. I've always liked it and raised it as one of my pets. Also, lately, I'm really drawn to Yuki Musubi. I've been trying my best to become friends with other owners so that I can harvest their fruit.

Wakai Oh yeah, fruit!

Fujisawa I’m in the middle of harvesting some right now!

Ohmori (laughter)

Fujisawa That Yuki Musubi is such a cutie... I can't wait to get one!

Thoughts When This Collaboration Was Decided: Approach to Collaborations

Ohmori Ohh... Well, first off, we were thrilled when we were asked to collaborate.

Wakai Yup, totally.

Fujisawa Over the moon~

Ohmori It was less like, “Wait, we can do that...?” and more like, “Huh!?” Just pure shock. You see, before we heard about the proposal, there was one time... (looking toward Fujisawa)

Fujisawa Right, I had an interview with a magazine where I spoke a bit about Livly Island.

Ohmori That's how it started, right?

Fujisawa Right! That’s what led us to the collaboration. We're honestly just so grateful...

Ohmori Beyond grateful. It was a combination of shock and delight. And of course, we knew about the existence of homs in the app, so we were really excited to find out exactly how the collaboration would pan out.

Ohmori And with most of our collaborations, what we value is... Well, we really try to value that sense of affinity with a collaboration partner, where we can honestly say we love their work.

Ohmori Of course!

Fujisawa (laughter)

Ohmori That just goes without saying... We’re very thankful.

Memorable Aspects of This Collaboration

Ohmori Ooh!

Fujisawa Everything...

Wakai Every single interaction was so much fun. I was so pumped.

Ohmori But if I had to say, it’s gotta be the Pumilio livlies...

Wakai For sure!

Fujisawa Yup~

Wakai Definitely.

Ohmori Right? When we finally got to see the Pumilio livlies, I was the first one to go, “Wooow!” Each of them had a unique motif and somehow totally screamed “us”!

Fujisawa Yeah!

Ohmori It felt like our essence—or peculiarities, rather—were reflected in them, so it was like an “Aha!” moment. It showed how much the researchers had been paying attention to us.

Fujisawa So true!

Ohmori It’s like they somehow knew us better than we knew ourselves...

Fujisawa (laughter)

Ohmori Right! The researchers were like, “Ohmori, you’ve got this kind of...mischievous side to you...”

Wakai Yup, yup.

Ohmori And that's what led to the birth of this super mischievous one.

Everyone (laughter)

Ohmori So yeah, that really moved me.

Wakai For me, I was blown away by the hom items...

Ohmori Like, you had had your eye on similar clothes? (laughter)

Wakai Yes!

Ohmori / Fujisawa (laughter)

Wakai They're an even more “us” version of us.

Everyone (laughter)

Ohmori Oh, but the sparkle level. They’re way sparklier than us.

Wakai But seriously, each of our personalities was so well reflected, including all the things we like. For example, I told them, “I’m always covered in silver jewelry!” and they even put that in.

Ohmori And your camera, too.

Wakai Exactly! The camera too, and even the rock-ish elements. I was really happy those were included. It was so fun.

Ohmori You could feel the love they put in.

Wakai You definitely could.

Ohmori While working on our Phase 2 activities, we were talking for some time about how it'd be nice if each of us could have our own easily identifiable characters, so the fact that it came to life with this collaboration is incredibly moving.

Fujisawa While communicating with the researchers, they would even go so far as to ask what MGA values in our musical activities.

Ohmori Right! It was clear they’d been listening to our discography.

Fujisawa Exactly. They would anticipate our needs even before we could voice them. The way they picked up on things so quickly was fantastic. You could truly feel how much love they had for everything. And like the others said, the items, Osanpo Street, and even little things that would make us go, “Oh! That's from that MGA music video...!” I was so impressed by how their attention to detail was scattered throughout.

Ohmori Amazing... Seriously, just amazing...

Everyone (laughter) Thank you very much!

Future Hopes for Livly Island

Ohmori Oof!

Fujisawa Wahh~!

Ohmori (laughter)

Ohmori That’s a tough one!

Wakai Ahh~

Fujisawa Ahh, I mean... (laughter)

Ohmori There's already so much to choose from!

Wakai Exactly.

Fujisawa For real, though. Like, with the gacha sets, you get to play around with all sorts of genres, and there are already so many themes... (laughter)

Ohmori It's true.

Fujisawa We’re already spoiled for choice.

Wakai Hmm, what would I want...

Ohmori It can be any genre, in any way you want.

Fujisawa Right! (laughter)

Ohmori Nothing’s coming to mind...!! What about you? (asking Fujisawa)

Fujisawa Ahh, I mean... (laughter))

Wakai This just popped into my head, but I dunno, haha... Maybe it’d be fun if you could trim livlies’ hair?

Ohmori Ah, so a gacha set themed around that?

Wakai Ah, yeah, yeah.

Ohmori Like a livly costume that changes its hairstyle...?

Wakai Ohh yeah, that! Something like that might be...kinda cute...maybe? I think it'd be nice.

Ohmori (looking at Hilo Pumilio) I mean, its hair is covering its eyes!

Wakai Yeah, exactly! I was thinking people might find that annoying... So it'd be good if you could cut it!

Ohmori / Fujisawa (laughter)

Ohmori Making minor changes to a livly.

Wakai Yeah, exactly.

Ohmori Hmm... What about you, Ryo?

Fujisawa Man, I don’t know... (laughter)

Ohmori I mean, there’s nothing, right? Nothing!

Wakai It's so true! We’re already so blessed...

Fujisawa We’ve got so much to play around with...

Ohmori So nothing.

Fujisawa Nothing. (laughter)

Wakai (laughter) Nothing.

Ohmori Yeah, and even if we did think of something, I feel like they’re probably already working on it.

Wakai (laughter) Probably.

Fujisawa Yeah, right? They're on top of every little detail. That’s what makes it such a great app.

What the Collaboration Theme Brings to Mind

Ohmori Ooh, that’s a tough one! I feel like the answer is gonna sound pretty deep...

Wakai Yeah.

Ohmori They’re all connected, after all.

Wakai Right? That's what I was gonna say!

Ohmori Like, “love” is “peace”, but “love”is also “bonds”. That kind of thing. And you could also turn it around and say that “peace” is “love” and “bonds”. I feel like this dynamic between the words is kind of perfect, honestly.

Wakai / Fujisawa Yeah.

Ohmori Hmm... How do I put it... “love” is...kind of...hmm... How would you say... It's like “touch” ? When I hear “love” , I think of touching someone, the warmth you feel from another's hand. I think that warmth is the sort of thing that comes to mind when I think of “love” .

Wakai Yeah, I was thinking the same thing...

Ohmori And for “bonds”... Doesn't it apply to everything?

Wakai Yeah, like it could be “love” or “peace”. “Bonds”... ”Bonds”, huh. Well, I guess when I think of “bonds”, the word “important” springs to mind. I feel like “bonds” arise from your connections with things you want to cherish or things that are important to you.

Ohmori “Peace”...

Fujisawa “Peace”... (laughter)

Ohmori Peace is a tough one.

Fujisawa Peace is... I think for me, it's people's expressions, like that brief moment when you see someone slip into a smile. That sort of thing makes me feel at ease and at peace. And livlies also show a wide range of expressions, so yeah, I feel like expressions are where it's at! Oh, and blankets too. (laughter)

Fujisawa (laughter)

Everyone Thank you very much!

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